Equipment for oil and gas complexes

SibBurMash specializes in coring equipment and well completion design and manufacture. It also offers engineering support for operations in the fields.

The company is fully responsible for the quality and reliability of the supplied equipment. SibBurMash’s professional team sets ambitious goals, successfully solves complex technical problems, and proudly offers customers unique innovative technologies.

All products
0 patents
Each product is certified and protected by 52 inventions patents
0 wells
An isolated core sample was taken for the 131st customer
0 kits
TOKS and OKOS various kits are manufactures

Our advantages

Developing technology
Developing technology
Oil and gas wells construction equipment and technologies development
Manufacturing the own-produced equipment
Providing a comprehensive service for the science-intensive technologies implementation

Our services and technologies

  • Sampling the isolated core using a polymer-based insulating agent CorIsoGel;
  • Selecting the oriented core for paleomagnetic studies;
  • Two-stage well cementing;
  • Multi-section liner running with a hermetic joint for multistage hydraulic fracturing (HF);
  • Hydromechanical external liner packers for hydraulic fracturing zones isolation, including the small-diameter ones, while maintaining the inner liner diameter;
  • Cemented and non-cemented hydraulic frac sleeves with the ability to open and close during the operation;
  • Oil-swellable and water-swellable packers, including low-temperature swellable packers, as well as packers that contact with highly saline formation waters;
  • Running a liner with excess pressure at the well-head without killing it;
  • Inflow control equipment by distributing the drawdown in the formation at horizontal well completion;
  • Inflow control indicator clutches;
  • Flow strings leak elimination by running a "flyout" (equipment for fastening secret strings with a 114 mm diameter or sleeveless equipment with a diameter of 120 mm for a flow string of 146 mm diameter);
  • Multilateral well completion.

The company's success lies in the ability to predict, identify, and understand the potential customers’ needs: oil workers, gas workers, and geologists. SibBurMash downhole equipment and technologies have been successfully applied at fields all across Russia for more than 20 years. They significantly reduce the number of customer’s potential risks, time, and financial costs. Also, they improve work efficiency and quality.

Due to the competitive opportunities, oil and gas companies as PAO NK Rosneft, PAO Gazprom Neft, PAO LUKOIL, PAO NOVATEK, PAO Surgutneftegas, etc. are our regular clients.

Record Technologies
core meters
in one run!
In October 2012, a Russian record was set at the well no. 161, pad no. 11 of the V-Salymanskogo field. During a 15-hour run, a string core (78.93 m) was drilled and brought to the surface with a 100% return.

Video of our production

Check valve
Shank direction
Check valve
Check valve
13 January
Shank direction
13 January

Our partners


25 August 2020
“We are extremely satisfied with the outcome of our collaboration, since it reflects the essence and meaning of the SPD work,” said Gilles de Broucker.
25 August 2020
Tyumen, September 15-22, 2009 SibBurMash, NPO, LLC, stand outside n. ul2
25 August 2020
High qualification of our employees possessing professional experience in research institutes and design offices, oil and gas exploratory expeditions and management of drilling activities, blowout response services and machine-building enterprises, as well as in-depth analysis of market conditions and understanding of customer needs allow us to create reliable products that are in demand among oil and gas industry workers and geologists.