TOKS kits

Kit TOKS Basic equipment
Designed for isolation of productive layers that do not require protection from hydrodynamic pressure that occurs when selling cement mortar.
Kit TOKS 01
It is designed to improve the quality of isolation of the productive reservoir when fixing a well in order to prevent inter-reservoir flows and annular manifestations of reservoir fluids during the OSC, development and operation of the well.
Kit TOKS 02
Designed to prevent the impact of high hydrodynamic pressure on the productive formation during the sale of cement mortar in the annular space
Kit TOKS 04
Designed to prevent the impact of high hydrodynamic pressure on the productive formation during the sale of cement solution in the annular space when cementing long shanks in order to avoid cases of under-release of cement solution when using direct single-stage cementing.
Kit TOKS 05 (1 stage)
It is intended for lowering the filter and the shank in two stages, in order to eliminate the lack of release of the shank before the design installation interval.
Kit TOKS 05 (1 and 2 stages)
It is intended for lowering the filter and the shank in two stages, in order to eliminate the lack of release of the shank before the design installation interval.
Kit TOKS 06
Designed for fixing liners that do not require isolation of the annulus with cement slurry due to the geological features of the productive formation and the technology of the wellbore.
Kit TOKS 07 (1 stage)
Designed for running the filter and liner in two stages with a tight connection of the casing sections and subsequent cementing.
Kit TOKS 07 (2 stage)
Designed for running the filter and liner in two stages with a tight connection of the casing sections and subsequent cementing.
Kit TOKS 08 (1 stage)
Designed for running the filter and liner in three stages with a tight connection of the casing sections and subsequent cementing
Kit TOKS 08 (2 stage)
Designed for running the filter and liner in three stages with a tight connection of the casing sections and subsequent cementing
Kit TOKS 08 (3 stage)
Designed for running the filter and liner in three stages with a tight connection of the casing sections and subsequent cementing
Kit TOKS 11
Designed for fixing liners cemented above the MSHF interval in wells with horizontal ends.
Kit TOKS 12
Designed for fixing non-cemented liners in wells with horizontal completion and subsequent multistage hydraulic fracturing using balls of different diameters.
Kit TOKS 13
Designed for fixing non-cemented liners in wells with horizontal completion and subsequent multi-stage hydraulic fracturing using a selective packer.
Kit TOKS 14
Designed for completion of cemented wells with subsequent multi-stage hydraulic fracturing using a selective packer and hydrostatic valves (fracturing fracturing collars).
Наименование комплекта ТОКС 102/140 ТОКС 102/146 ТОКС 102/168 ТОКС 114/168 ТОКС 102/178 ТОКС 114/178 ТОКС 127/178 ТОКС 114/146 ТОКС 89/140 ТОКС 120/146 ТОКС 140/168
Диаметр открытого ствола скважины, мм 120,6/120,6-бицентричное долото с расширением до 132 123,8/126/120,6-бицентричное долото с расширением до 132 123,8/126/127/139,7/142,9/146,1 123,8/126/127/139,7/142,9/146,1 123,8/126/127/139,7/142,9/146,1 139,7/142,9/146,1/152,4/155,6 152,4/155,6 120,6-бицентричное долото с расширением до 132/142,8 120,6 126/120,6-бицентричное долото с расширением до 132 152,4/155,6
Условный диаметр обсадной коллонны, мм 140 146 168 168 178 178 178 146 140 146 168
Внутренний проходной диаметр узлов хвостовика, мм 88,6 89 89 100 89 100 112 100 76 100 120
Условный диаметр потайной обсадной колонны хвостовика, мм 102 102 102 114 102 114 127 114 89 120 120
Наружный диаметр узлов неспускаемых в открытый ствол, мм 120 124 141/144 141/144 152 152 152 121/125 115 - -
Наружный диаметр узлов спускаемых в открытый ствол, мм 116/120 116/120 128/133 128/133 116/120/128/133 128/133/144/146 144/146 121/125 108 125 145